Working as an Artist in Residence at a Pennsylvania elementary school this spring, I am intentionally creating peaceful connections abroad. Local students, grades 2-5, have been contributing to a garland of peace flags that will be traveling to Central America this summer.
Inspired by images of radial symmetry and mandala, as well as stories and art of Central America, students worked on creating their own mandala. But first, we made a point of meditating on what peace means to us, because we each need to start from our own center. It's known to be true, coming from a place of peace creates beauty. In April, 835 students showed me this again and again.
In a very short time, students were able to create works of art that impressed even themselves. The process involved Sharpie markers, natural fibers and rubbing alcohol. Results were stunning.
There are many stages to this project, each thread connecting us to each other. Next steps include sewing assembly by 200+ spring infused 5th graders. Wish me peace.
***Special thanks to the community of Erdenheim Elementary for supporting this project. It is heartwarming to know that so many are open to share the message of Peace and Global Citizenship.***