Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Compost and art?

Not a likely combination. There's probably a soil advocate out there that could find a strong connection. However, as a former corporate interior designer with a steady frequent flyer account, I was quite suprised to find myself giving a presentation on trash and dirt today.

Ms, Judy assisting her student with the string line

But I still believe that everything is connected.  That's were the meaning is found.  (If you haven't yet discovered Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid  by Douglas Hofstadter there's a chance to further understand how our inner minds connect the symbols of math, art and science.)

Last fall I worked with a kindergarten class in efforts to make the connection. In our region, November is the ideal time  to plant spring bulbs. With string lines, we created a grid to outline the planting location. For this young group, it was a sensory exercise in multiplication (math) and patterns (art). Five months later, they were rewarded with a visual treat.

My treat was listening to the excitement of the students as they shared their expectations of the flowers. And next year, compost powered blooms!