Monday, July 9, 2012

Out of Bounds

"Droplets" by artist Susan Benarcik
"Somerset" by artist Scott Pellnat

Extensive summer heat is as disheartening as canned air. Take a break from both and rejuvenate your spirit with a bit of art in nature. 

At the The Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education, temperatures are naturally cooler within their 325 wooded acres. Through September 2, contemplative art compliments the site and season in the show, Out of Bounds. Most museum and gallery exhibits I find constricting. Being outdoors though makes this showing refreshing and in some cases unexpected.

"Mirrory" by artist Caleb Nussear
Much of the work surrounds their main building; at the Fire Pond, indoor gallery, near the picnic grove (yes, bring a picnic!) and in their new Sensory Garden. Maps are available at the indoor gallery. I also encourage you to take advantage of their many lush trails. Get some blood moving again and you might be inspired to create your own nature friendly installation.

Impromptu Work in Progress by young friends

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